I used to be insecure & shy. I wasn't cute or "hot" or beautiful. I was the dorky girl who everyone felt obligated to be nice to or they thought I might burst into tears. The girl who got upset when people would pick on the weird kids. (I WAS one of the weird kids though) I was 4'9 until 9th grade & skinny enough to fit inside of my half-locker. (of course I tried... I was curious. & hopefully my old friends who were with me are reading this & remember hahaha) I was completely afraid of boys, but I was crazy about them... secretly. I was that girl that the popular jerks thought was really smart, so they would ask to copy my homework, only to realize that I sucked just as bad as they did at math. I mean come on people... just because I had super thick lens glasses didn't mean I was a super brain! It just means I had/have terrible eye-sight. My pants never fit me. I was always envious of the girls with filled out butts or "apple bottom jeans" in jr. high. I was barely holding up my double 0 hollister pants with a DIY "extra belt holed" belt. "just make another belt hole with a knife!" -my mother would always say... which always led to high-waters as well. & although you might be wondering why I'm complaining about being skinny when I was younger, I do have a point... just let me get to it. I was picked on a lot in my younger years. I have a hard time writing this because it really wasn't the best time of my life. I'm actually in tears just thinking about it. haha which seems totally ridiculous I realize... but it could be that it's almost 5 in the morning & I've been up all night for no reason at all. I wouldn't talk in class unless I was tattle-tailing to the teacher about Dillon Simmons or Sage Durango. haha or unless I was with my best friends. (in that case you couldn't shut me up!) I got this brand new hello kitty purse stolen in the 6th grade once. It was full of Christmas money, new perfume, and other little gifts. I knew exactly where I left it, came back, noticed the "popular girl" had it underneath her bottom on her chair, and I couldn't stand up for myself. So I turned around and left... in pure fear that she might think I was a loser for asking for my purse back. The "cool girls" would make fun of me often. I wouldn't say much because I feared that saying something back would make me look like even more of a dork. The boys were the worst though. When the boys would make fun of me I felt so stupid. I would act like they were immature & it didn't affect me... but it sure did. I would walk the halls with my head down. I would stare at shoes and carpet all day long just because I feared humiliation. I was always picked last in p.e. classes for sports teams. haha sounds like a sad movie or something. When I liked a boy, I would tell one of my friends that THEY should like him. I was so nervous that he wasn't going to like me, so I made sure that my friends would take advantage of the situation instead. I was insecure. I was in band. hahaha I played the flute. I had wonderful friends though. If it weren't for them I don't know where my life would be right now, honestly. From first grade until now I have always had amazing friends influence my life. I am sooo grateful. I remember when I was a sophomore & I had just quit gymnastics. My mom informed me that I would either try out for cheer or get back into gym. So I decided to try out for the Payson high cheer team. It was so out of my ordinary that it scared me. I remember all of my friends telling me that if I became a "cheerleader" I would change & they wouldn't like it. Sure enough I changed my group of friends and became a whole different person. I sat in jock hall, I dated "jocks", & I acted snotty. I was not myself. Sure, I would still be friendly to everyone when I passed them & make sure to say hi often to others... but I was not the same. A sense of confidence, no.... Pride grew inside of me. I became "popular". Don't get me wrong, I loved cheering & I loved all of my new friends, they were really great! (the popular kids actually weren't as mean as I thought once I started to fit in with them) I guess that's just how it works though. You have to fit in to be accepted. You have to fit a certain mold to get noticed. It's such a joke. Still to this day I find myself waking up & wondering what I can do or wear to impress people. I find myself asking if someone will think I am dumb or weird for doing this or that. Why must we conform in order to feel normal? Who are we living for? Ourselves? or everyone around us? The constant pressure to be someone that we aren't is a daily challenge for everyone. Being your true self is one of the hardest things to do, but if you can accomplish that, you are headed to happiness. If it is possible to realize that WE dictate our own lives, and not others, we can achieve joy.
Who am I living For? Katy Perry
I can feel a phoenix inside of me
As I march alone to a different beat
Slowly swallowing down my fear, yeah yeah
I am ready for the road less traveled
Suiting up for my crowning battle
This test is my own cross to bear
But I will get there
It's never easy to be chosen, never easy to be called
Standing on the front-line when the bombs start to fall
I can see the heavens but I still hear the flames
Calling out my name
I can see the writing on the wall
I can't ignore this war
At the end of it all
Who am I living for?
I can feel this lightness inside of me
Growing fast into a bolt of lightning
I know one spark will shock the world, yeah yeah
So I pray for a favor like Esther
I need your strength to handle the pressure
I know there will be sacrifice
But that's the price
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
Don't let the greatness get you down
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
Don't let the greatness get you down, oh, oh yeah
I can see the writing on the wall
I can't ignore this war
At the eh-end of it all
Who am I living for?
At the end, at the end
Who am I living for?
At the end, at the end
Who am I living for?
FUN FACT: you know the "don't laugh at me, don't call me names, don't get your troubles from my pain" song? hahaha I had to sing that in elementary school on stage & hold a poster that said 'the little girl with glasses, the one they call a geek.' so basically my school was trying to enforce a no bullying rule by bullying kids to hold labeling signs. but it's okay, I just laugh about it now. at the time I just thought it was so cool to be involved in an assembly hahaha
You're awesome Saige:) Now everyone is jealous of how gorgeous you are! You have such a great attitude.. a lot to be envious of!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your story. You are lovely & beautiful.
ReplyDeleteSo uh.. Saige. You are truly glorious my woman! I love you, your blog, your twitter, and pretty much your everything. I may or may not have nominated you for the Liebster Award. It's an award for new and upcoming blogs I guess, I don't really know. Look here: http://thenaulus.blogspot.com/2012/10/my-liebster-pad.html
ReplyDeleteThis brought tears to my eyes, and touched me deep. I can relate... in high school(on the SF cheer squad) I felt like I was surrounded by negative influences. I learned a hard lesson in distinguishing between the people who really care about me and those with selfish intentions; the people whose example brings out the best in me and those who bring me down; and the people who will always be there and those who'll run for cover when it starts to rain. Thanks for sharing this Saige, you are so beautiful, & the way that you carry yourself is so humbling & amazing. Thank you for your positive influence and example. love ya!