Wednesday, August 29, 2012


My definition of a hipster: cats, books, better music than yours, arrogance, & great style. oh & if you are a boy you need facial hair.
urban dictionary:


One who criticizes hipsters for being hipsters even though he himself is a hipster. Just tell them to take a look at their purposefully destroyed and cut out toms & rethink the situation. No, TOMS aren't sandals, but you've done a great job ruining them & making them look like you stole them from a hobo.

The realization a hipster comes to when he/she realizes that being hipster is WAY to mainstream, resulting in a paradox.
"Dude, being a hipster is way to mainstream. A true hipster would have stopped being a hipster by now. It's like... hipsterception!"

 A combination of hardcore & hipster. Hipstercore people normally wear tight pants, band t-shirts,  and lots of contrasting colors. They listen to a wide range of music that includes alternative rock, screamo, post-hardcore, punk-pop, heavy metal, classic rock, punk-rock, and techno. They tend to be anti-mainstream, just like regular hipsters, and they LOVE triangles. why do they love triangles so much? I don't understand.

Don't ever called someone who's hipstercore "ironic" because they hate that. Most of them think of themselves as just pretty chill people who like cats.
Joe: Wow! Look at Melissa's tight pants and kitty cat tshirt.

Sarah: It's her extremely dark makeup that really pulls the whole thing together.

Melissa: Thanks, guys. Do you want to go to an Aquabat's concert?


a person who refuses to be defined by any set idea, style. one who does not like to be pigeon holed. not to be confused with poser or "scene". Hipsters, although taste is relative, generally have very good taste. they prefer films which appeal to intellect or emotion and avoid cliche, sentiment and the generic. they like bands that most people have never heard of because they actually care about music and seek it out as opposed to just swallowing the first thing which comes to them like the majority or people do. music-wise they will listen to many different stles but nothing which is too self indulgent but will listen to hip-hop and other types of "black" music, albeit underground. they like to be challenged and therefore read books deemed as difficult or "deep" to the average person. they are also often interested in contemporary art for this same reason. no true hipster will have a definitive style, choosing many different styles and will prefer to look different from one day to the next. their wardrobe will comprise of contemporary off beat cuts and various styles from past decades and adheres to ideas of post-modernity. contrary to popular opinion hipsters do not dress the same but, as mentioned above, change their style continually. the people who are being referred to are the pretentious posers who copy the look but lack the depth. they are always intelligent and creative and can hold good conversation on a wide range of subjects. they are also very fond of sarcasm and irony and often employ them when accosted by an imbecile. hipsters are one of the most tolerant types or people and openly embrace different races and sexuality

people who do not like hipsters either 
a) have no style whatsoever 
b) feel inferior because they know jack about real, intelligent music, original, thought provoking film and books and daringly different dress sense. basically many people feel ugly when around hipsters which is often true.

they will know about every good band before the spoon-fed masses, and will very likely be the ones who make them popular.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

What's the number to 9-1-1?

Preface: I just got rid of my twitter & it was the dumbest time to do so since my life has been SOOO exciting lately. *not even being sarcastic. I just want to tell you guys everything but I can't. I also can't stop "cat attacking" my pictures. I think it's the funniest thing in the world.

this is a story about a girl who locked her keys in her car more times than the average person would in an entire lifetime before she reached full adulthood. yep! you guessed right! it's me! I'm the girl who always keeps a wire hanger in her trunk only to realize she wouldn't be able to use it because the car is locked. DUH. I've locked my keys in my car SEVEN times. & I'm only barely 20 years old! Reason for this 5 a.m. blogpost? because I just returned home from attempting to break into my own car for like the entire night. Okay so we might have went on a 2 a.m. denny's run before we realized that I am in fact, the "locked her keys in her car" idiotic QUEEN. & have I ever taken my father's advice to make another key & hide it somewhere outside of the car? of course not! why on earth would I heed to the council of my intelligent father?! He doesn't know about it yet, but I hope when he wakes up in the morning he reads this & wakes me up so we can go get my car bright & early before church. Oh by the way, my dad is the expert at saving the day when it comes to just about anything. but he specializes in the locked car area. If I didn't know any better I would think he was a car thief. He once helped Coy Willes unlock her lovebug at a cheer parade. Classic hometown hero? I think so! (BC BC BC!) Anyway... the car will love me no matter what kind of stress I put him in. My car is named Huckaboo. (that was totally irrelevant but worth saying) Moral of this story: listen to your parents. make an extra hide-a-key. & don't drink the water at the st. george dennys. that shiz is luke warm tap water for crying out loud!! goodnight. I love you all. WAIT!!! also.... MY PHONE IS IN THE CAR. my life is incomplete.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's okay to be a NERD guyzz.

Star Wars. Lord of the Rings. Harry Potter. Pokemon cards, board game, movies, & humor. Super Nintendo. Atari. Gamecube. Xbox. Playstation. Nintendo DS. Gameboy. Arcade Games. BOOKS. Glasses. Stupid shirts. Socks with Sandals. Super Heroes. Super Hero humor. BANE JOKES. Nerd jokes. Leggos. Documentaries. Computer knowledge. EXTREMELY intense typing skills. (I've got like 112 gwam. NBD. In keyboarding class I would always try to beat the others.) Interest in Binary numbers. Writing a paper just for fun. Writing a small book with a sibling, just for fun. Giant ugly sweaters. An immense love & passion for Disco Night @ classic skating. (& always dressing up.) Computer games. (I could sit & play roller coaster/zoo tycoon all day long baby. all day long) Interest in Biology & science. Physics. (I had a hard time with that... but I LOVED the labs.) Looking good in a pair of safety goggles. Being obsessed with Sharkweek. Being obsessed with social networking. Being picky about proper grammar. (except while I'm blogging.) I love thrift stores. I like to watch the sy fy channel. (still think it should be called sci-fi) Discovery channel. Storage wars & shipping wars. How it's made. The Office. The list goes on...

In my family it's okay to be a nerd. I assume it's the same way with a lot of other families? I'm not ashamed that I can quote Star Wars. I'm not ashamed that my siblings & I have nerdy humor. I love it actually. Dawgs I did DECA & debate in high school just for fun! I love those stupid Cat/table of elements jokes. I love playing video games. I have a crush on the Hulk. I have seen too many Pokemon movies. (I can sing the Pokemon theme song... but who can't?) & if you don't think it's funny to make fun of Magikarp then you can't be my friend. I am a nerd. & that's okay. Don't be afraid to embrace your inner "nerd" guyz. It's fun.
p.s. my brother downloads techno versions of Nintendo game theme songs on his itunes. & he listens to them. WHILE HE'S PLAYING OTHER VIDEO GAMES! hahahaha

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Sometimes life gets you down. It happens to all of us. We as natural human beings tend to beat ourselves up in our minds when things aren't going the way they should.
{A list of things I feel I haven't put "enough" of myself into lately}
1) I've let too many friends escape my life. I feel like I should be keeping tabs on all of my past friends. I don't know even know half of them anymore. & that makes me feel just awful.
2) I haven't put "enough" effort into eating healthy & working out. That needs to change. now.
3) I could & I should put more of myself into loving my family & helping out at home more.
4) My wallet has been more than "enough" for my terrible shopping addiction. Time to start saving up again. oops. BUT, along with that, I don't regret spending money on YOLO trips. Those are always fun & memorable.
5) My brain is hungry for more knowledge. I need to go back to school. Spring. I will do so.

We all have our own lists of "not being enough" & often times the list can be daunting & overwhelming. My advice to everyone: YOU ARE ENOUGH. always. no matter what you are doing or not doing with life. If you are trying to be the best YOU that YOU can be, then what else can you do?

One last thing: you don't need to be in a relationship to be in love. Fall in love with everything. Fall in love with the sky, the moon, mismatched socks, a new pair of shoes, or even your future plans. You don't need the approval of another in order to fall in love with something new & gain an extra passion or two. Be brave enough to be different. love things that you never thought you would love.

Monday, August 6, 2012

WANDERLUST: a post to enlighten your minds

 Lately I've felt the urge to inspire myself to new heights. I just want to explore new places & discover new things that I never knew about myself. If I had all of the money in the world right now I would be constantly moving from place to place. In my mind all I need is a few good friends & some pocket change. But I know that I can't just pick up & leave. I have responsibilities & dirty clothes sitting in my suitcase. I have to come home every now & then to regain my ground & settle myself. But once I get the taste of travel on my lips I just want to go. I've washed my clothes & repacked them about 7 or 8 times this summer. I always have clothes packed. I'm always ready to go. You give me an adventure, I'll be there.

One last thing I would like to add! Comparison is the thief of Joy. Such a true statement. I have found that when I compare one trip to the current one it takes away from the happiness. Each trip is a different adventure. Don't compare them to one another. Reminisce about them individually.