Sunday, November 4, 2012

Vanilla Coke. What is... happiness?

If you understood that my blog title was meant to be read like a jeopardy question, good job. I haven't posted in a while & I've lost my mojo a little bit... so here's a post about all the things that make me happy & keep me sane lately...

- obviously vanilla coke
- people who buy me vanilla coke (thank you...)
- Breeanna Gibson. no she does not have a middle name.
- Chance Manzanares.
- cute dates
- the fact that LisaFrank stuff is coming back in style via urban outfitters
- the leather pants I got from target
- studs (the ones you put on clothes and shoes, not the human kind)
- my frumpy, ugly, worn out Roxy slippers
- NOT doing anything with my hair. (wavy, poofy hair is sexy... right?)
- funny people. oh what would I do without funny people?
- Thoughtful blog posts written by my friends/twitter friends. THANK YOU.
- Grey hair. it's cool & I think I might do it. YO ella bella, if you do it, I'll do it. no joke.
- Skulls & sugar skulls (I'm a poser, I know.)
- The movie Wreck it Ralph. haha seriously go watch it. It's so cute.
- Rock of Ages and the soundtrack. um hello?! I LOVE THE 80'S OKAY?!
- My banana suit (for obvious reasons)
- Pumpkin, chocolate chip anything
- the fact that I somewhat cleaned my room & I can see the floor now
- NOT shaving
- my gymnasts. holy cow. I love them so much.
- my second job as a hiking instructor. It's been awesome.
- Zumba is cool I guess
- the fact that I will be going to school & socializing next semester
- Jedi when he wears his where's waldo outfit. & when he gets mad about others having the same one.

There are probably a lot more that I can't think of at the moment... but yeah. I'm HAPPY RIGHT NOW. I haven't really been myself for the past little while & I'm finally starting to get back in the groove of life again.I love you all. thank you.

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