Music fills the cracks of the soul. Bored, sad, mad, confused, hurt, in love, in need of inspiration, in need of comfort, or just about any other emotion you can think of, music can fix. I guess fix is the wrong word, emotions should not be looked at as a bad thing. Emotions are good. We need to feel every now and then. Don't let yourself become numb to emotions. I guess the word I could have used is "aid". Music aids us. It doesn't even matter what genre you listen to, what unknown artist you found, or where you are when you listen. Music in general helps our emotions flow & even out. It's like plopping half of the tub of icing on the cake and then taking a knife and spreading it all over to make it look pretty. My anger is just piled up in one place and it's all I can think about, until I turn on music. While listening my mind wonders, thus spreading the emotion thinner, making my angry emotion pretty. Anger can't be pretty? I think it can. Music helps the soul realize what really matters. Sometimes songs without lyrics can be even more enriching. Whether you are curled up in a ball in bed, hunched over a steering wheel in the car at night, or shaving your legs in the shower, listening to music is always a release. A release from stressing an emotion too much. a "break" from how you feel. Listen to music often. Even better, create it. My little brother sings in the shower daily. It's hilarious, he's awful. I love to hear it though. Music makes us dance. From sheepishly tapping your foot to booty clappin' in the kitchen, music creates the mood. Over Thanksgiving break my cousins and I were hanging out at my grandparents house. It was getting late and we were getting bored. In n out was closed. My grandpa offered to make his famous "papa pancakes." hahaha it was so funny, we were all stoked. My cousin threw her ipod into the speakers & the house turned into an all out dance party. A Pancake-Dance Party! Everyone was dancing and laughing, even grandma and grandpa. My grandpa went over to the light switch and started flickering it on and off yelling, "STROBE LIGHT!" hahaha It was awesome. Music created a memory. Music creates many memories in our lives. I think God gave us music in order for us to be able to explore our minds. I know when I hear church music I feel the spirit. Music aids our feelings. Use music to your advantage.

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