Monday, September 10, 2012


this is so monumental. Levi (a.k.a. Jedi) went on his very first date this past weekend. Let's backtrack a little bit to last monday I think? Jed carpools with this girl named Morgan. She's way cute. anyway... he texts her & says, "hey how mad would you be on a scale of 1-10 if I asked you to the dance over text?" hahaha and she said 6. So he goes & buys sour skittles, oreos, a big ball, & a teddy bear. He places it all on her porch with a handwritten note that says, "none of these things have anything in common. will you go to homecoming with me?" hahahaha she said yes though you guyz!!! So the entire week we pestered Levi about the details. We needed to know the dress color, the date plans, what kind of flower she wanted, you know... the dance deets! Jedi was so out of his element. First dates are scary you guys! I just can't really remember because my first date was like... five years ago? haha So we ask him where they are going to dinner & he says, "can't I just take her to taco bell or something." for real though... that's what he said. After explaining to him that he needed to take her somewhere a little more 'classy' we asked him what the date plan was. "oh I'm just going to pick her up, take her dinner, go to the dance for an hour & then drop her back off." oh so you're going to end the date at 9:00 Jed? good plan. hahaha Luckily his cousin Austin showed up with a date & helped him out. He doesn't even go to Levi's school but he paid for his date & himself to get into the dance & be Jedi's wingman. such a good cousin.
Levi's view on the dance: "yeah I showed her my sick moves. we danced a few slow songs. it was good."
Austin on the dance: "hahaha well, he was a little shy at first, but once we all started dancing Jed came right out of his shell! he also tried to twirl his date during a slow dance.... but he ended up twirling himself. we tried to teach him, but he couldn't be taught."
We can only hope that dinner went well. We figure that he either ordered off the kids menu, spilled a drink or two, or asked for a new crayon when his snapped in half. If he only did one out of the three, he did a great job! Unless of course he asked Morgan to cut his meat up for him....

I am so proud of him! haha & today, I pull into the driveway and his dance date is knocking on our door!!!! SAY WHAT? yeah. she came over just to 'hang out' & 'play risk'. I must have tweeted about the situation at least 20 times... & creeped a couple pics. don't worry, I'll put them up on this post. So I think it's safe to say that Jedi's first date was a success and I think they are in love now.

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