Thursday, August 9, 2012


Sometimes life gets you down. It happens to all of us. We as natural human beings tend to beat ourselves up in our minds when things aren't going the way they should.
{A list of things I feel I haven't put "enough" of myself into lately}
1) I've let too many friends escape my life. I feel like I should be keeping tabs on all of my past friends. I don't know even know half of them anymore. & that makes me feel just awful.
2) I haven't put "enough" effort into eating healthy & working out. That needs to change. now.
3) I could & I should put more of myself into loving my family & helping out at home more.
4) My wallet has been more than "enough" for my terrible shopping addiction. Time to start saving up again. oops. BUT, along with that, I don't regret spending money on YOLO trips. Those are always fun & memorable.
5) My brain is hungry for more knowledge. I need to go back to school. Spring. I will do so.

We all have our own lists of "not being enough" & often times the list can be daunting & overwhelming. My advice to everyone: YOU ARE ENOUGH. always. no matter what you are doing or not doing with life. If you are trying to be the best YOU that YOU can be, then what else can you do?

One last thing: you don't need to be in a relationship to be in love. Fall in love with everything. Fall in love with the sky, the moon, mismatched socks, a new pair of shoes, or even your future plans. You don't need the approval of another in order to fall in love with something new & gain an extra passion or two. Be brave enough to be different. love things that you never thought you would love.