Sunday, August 26, 2012

What's the number to 9-1-1?

Preface: I just got rid of my twitter & it was the dumbest time to do so since my life has been SOOO exciting lately. *not even being sarcastic. I just want to tell you guys everything but I can't. I also can't stop "cat attacking" my pictures. I think it's the funniest thing in the world.

this is a story about a girl who locked her keys in her car more times than the average person would in an entire lifetime before she reached full adulthood. yep! you guessed right! it's me! I'm the girl who always keeps a wire hanger in her trunk only to realize she wouldn't be able to use it because the car is locked. DUH. I've locked my keys in my car SEVEN times. & I'm only barely 20 years old! Reason for this 5 a.m. blogpost? because I just returned home from attempting to break into my own car for like the entire night. Okay so we might have went on a 2 a.m. denny's run before we realized that I am in fact, the "locked her keys in her car" idiotic QUEEN. & have I ever taken my father's advice to make another key & hide it somewhere outside of the car? of course not! why on earth would I heed to the council of my intelligent father?! He doesn't know about it yet, but I hope when he wakes up in the morning he reads this & wakes me up so we can go get my car bright & early before church. Oh by the way, my dad is the expert at saving the day when it comes to just about anything. but he specializes in the locked car area. If I didn't know any better I would think he was a car thief. He once helped Coy Willes unlock her lovebug at a cheer parade. Classic hometown hero? I think so! (BC BC BC!) Anyway... the car will love me no matter what kind of stress I put him in. My car is named Huckaboo. (that was totally irrelevant but worth saying) Moral of this story: listen to your parents. make an extra hide-a-key. & don't drink the water at the st. george dennys. that shiz is luke warm tap water for crying out loud!! goodnight. I love you all. WAIT!!! also.... MY PHONE IS IN THE CAR. my life is incomplete.


  1. I've done the SAME thing... hahahahahahahaha

  2. Seriously Saige...haha BC?? Hahahaha man that is still funny three years later!
