Curious as a little cat, I looked up the st. George demographics online today. haha 15-20% of the population are between ages 65-84. In my families ward the % ratio of old people compared to everyone else is probably at least 40-50%. You go to relief society & the ladies pass out homemade sweaters!! I guess old people get really cold during church? haha such nice ladies.. Old people love it here! It's warm, friendly, happy, & comforting. It's true what sociologists say you know; people will stick with their own kind. Old people will stick with old people. {there is nothing wrong with old people, by the way} It's been said that the elderly live longer in St. George. There is a drive to live longer lingering in the bones when you live here. Today in church my dad was sitting next to an older man, {like a lot older}, & he was thought to have turned off his handy dandy hearing aids. hahaha so un-knowingly, the man loudly farted the entire meeting. They don't call them "old-farts" for nothing right? hahaha With that being said, I have nothing against old people. Just simply stating a fact. Old people love St. George. They thrive here! One complaint though: they drive terribly... & it's not fun to get stuck behind an old stogie putting along when you've got somewhere to be. They are always either very nice & funny, or grouchy & impatient. Most of them are nice though :) oh & p.s. when old people are more athletic than I am, I get super depressed. Yesterday on our Angel's Landing hike we got passed by some old timers... it made me want to cry in defeat. but don't worry, I pursued my happiness & accomplished my goal of reaching the top... even if the old, fit couple did it in half the time as me.
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