Sunday, April 29, 2012
Procrastination @ its finest.
Blogging in order to procrastinate. Blogging in order to procrastinate the pinning/facebooking/tweeting that I am doing to procrastinate studying for my finals. it's the circle of life! (I hope you sang that simba-style) The internet is a fab way to wisely use up your time. Time is just a number if you think about it. I mean really.. if I had all the time in the world, I would be doing the same thing that I am doing now. I would love to say that I would be in Africa helping orphans... but I don't know if I actually would be. ya know? Although wasting my time on the computer is idiotic, I am participating in the idiocy in order to postpone studying for tests that I will most likely fail. {wow she is so positive.. @shiz-no-one-says-about-saige} That was a twitter joke. If you don't have twitter, you don't understand. If you are procrastinating like I am right now, here's a brilliant idea... get a twitter account. great way to utilize your time. just in general to create an account now, & to spend all of your time on it later on this week as well. & for the rest of your life. tweet away birdie friends. a whole new world of social network magic is calling your name. wow I have spent the last 10 minutes writing this blog. I might have to go wander into the kitchen & make some panclocks or something to kill some more time tonight. I could clean my room. I could pack? I could take a bath. {because a bath takes more time than a shower of course} I could color coordinate my shoes? anything but homework or studying. in the words of NIKE... just do it. tomorrow. have a lovely night & finals week everyone. p.s. playing volleyball even though you suck is another great way to kill time. p.s.s. If you are feeling really gutsy.. look up the "call me maybe" music video with justinBiebs, SelenaGomez, & the gang. it's really stupid but oh so entertaining for some strange reason.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
E-FROM will forever be my home.
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Highly inappropriate, but hilarious. & you know it. |
yeah, ephraim does kind of suck. it's small & there is nothing to do here. but hey, I experienced the best 2 years of my college life here! oh wait.. that's because I have only been to 2 years of college. but it's fine. none-the-less e-from is great. haha I have loved getting to know the people here & the surrounding towns. Would you believe me if I told you that I decided to come here because I went to EFY here?? haha yeah... who knew there was EFY in ephraim. I did. obviously. & so did my bestie madison poulson. {we went together if you didn't gather that information} I am so glad that I came to Snow rather than some big college with mean professors. I felt like I was able to connect with my teachers & beg for good grades just like I did in high school hahaha. okay. in all seriousness. I'm going to really miss ephraim, utah. so many great memories made here! E-FROM will always have a place in my heart. #truth {p.s. I am sad that I'm done here & not coming back next year for the color change. haha orange & blue baby... it's going to be shweet.} oh & one last P.S. I used to hate denny's. I still hate denny's food.... but because of Snow College, if there is a denny's run you can count me in!!! every time!! (everyone is probably too busy with studying to read my blog. & that's okay. because I only wrote it to procrastinate my own studying)
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Am I doing this Wrong?
hahaha okay people... I feel as if I might be "blogging" wrong? everyone I know that blogs is either blogging about a missionary they are waiting for, married & telling about their children, or newly wed & telling about their cute stories. I just babble about random shiz that in my mind needs to be addressed. haha but really it doesn't, I'm just a nut-job that likes to write & express my feelings to others. I guess there really isn't a right or wrong way to blog? so I'm going to keep writing about stupid stuff because I want to. I've got this URGE to play volleyball all of the time now... I just don't understand. haha I'm not even good at it! {like not at all.} but it's so much fun! haha & I would rather play volleyball than go to any of my classes. but my roommates are all being responsible for once & going to their classes... leaving me alone, in my room, to THINK about playing volleyball. Who plays volleyball by themselves? it's unheard of! p.s. we brought our mattresses out in the living room for a slumber party a couple days ago & they are still out there. party animals? I think yes. & and p.s.s. I miss my boyfriend {soooooooooo much} that's all. if you are searching for a heart-felt blog to read, I suggest you move right along. I've got nothing but good crap here!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Spring Fever {the season of love}
Spring is a season of cliches -- birds singing, bees buzzing
and people falling madly in love. If you're a scientist though, the love
sickness can be blamed on one very real thing."It's dopamine,"
says Helen Fischer, a neuroscientist, professor at Rutgers University and
author of five books on the science of love. Fisher says dopamine is a
naturally occurring chemical your brain uses to make you want things. There are
other systems involved in love, but when it comes to new love, dopamine is the
main culprit. And with enough of it swirling around your system, you're prone
to fall in love -- and fall hard. What does this have to do with
spring? Dopamine is triggered by novel experiences. "And there's so much
novelty in the spring," said Fischer. "There is so much more color,
new smells, people take their clothes off and you can see more of them. And so
there is a lot of new stimuli that trigger the brain and drive up dopamine, and
make you more susceptible to love."
Spring is the season for love, scientifically speaking by Sanden Totten, Minnesota Public Radio April 9, 2010
I may have stolen that found information from the internet,
but that's fine. because I cited it at the end. right? Anyway... everyone is
falling in love & obviously scientists confirm it. Spring is the season of
love! I swear all of my friends are getting engaged, married, or having babies!
I think maybe the brain tells us that we need to be like the animals in spring
& reproduce. hahaha My scientific theory: okay think about it... in the
springtime baby animals are born. & baby animals are adorable.. they make us
happy. so our brain tells us to do the same thing as the animals so that we can
be happy & adorable. there you have it. from a snow college student. {you
best believe that's a fancy title} Have a great day! go outside & catch
spring fever! get married! have babies! of course I exclude myself from this
advice because there is no hope for me getting married anytime soon. bye bye! :)
Friday, April 20, 2012
This Monumental Day in History 4/20
you know what today is? yes. yes you all have your own idea in your head about what today is. (because there are so many possibilities) You could be thinking, yes, of course, it's 4/20, EARTH DAY! duh! the day we celebrate our wonderful earth! or you could have thought, 4/20 man.... the day I get baked (or pretend I get baked via facebook/twitter to look cool) or possibly..... OH YES! it's 4/20! the day we all stand together & STOPKONY! {oh, you forgot about that already eh? you are such an activist.} hmmm.... to me, this beautiful April friday is merely a due date for assignments, a day to hopefully finally get to see my boyfriend, and a day to blog about. So whatever you are celebrating today, possibly all three? enjoy your 4/20 people. & if you do go get high, be responsible. (do it with a friend or your dog or something) oh & p.s. today there are A LOT of birthdays on facebook. so that kind of depresses me because I'll have to wish them all a happy birthday. so much celebrating going on it's insane.{& when I say a lot of birthdays that includes Adolf Hilter's date of birth. but no, don't worry, I'm not going to celebrate his birth} p.s.s. I've just been informed that earth day is actually the 22nd of April. hahahhaa fooled you on that one didn't I? bye friends.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
My Sister & I Have ADD
I have come to the conclusion that not only does my sister, Kaci, have ADD, but I do as well. I've never really been able to focus... on anything. Kaci's case is a lot worse (she can't even finish a movie without getting up & leaving) p.s. we both have restless leg syndrome. it's a real thing. Tonight in yoga we did "meditation". While my entire class was rather hypnotized by robot-voice man, sitting on a beach with the sun shining on their faces & the cool ocean waves crashing in their souls, I was sitting upright contemplating the bright green exit signs above all of the doorways. The girl next to me was practically drooling all over her yoga mat (I assume her meditation 'peace place' was somewhere heavenly & relaxing). I tried to lay down multiple times, but I just couldn't get comfortable. I would switch around positions & start thinking about my physics final, or about the way my yoga mat smelled. (I should probably wash that shiz.. stinky feet & serenity aren't the best mixture to inhale during "sleep" time). I was thinking about puppies, chance, school, Heaven, my see-through yoga pants, & peanut butter w/ oreos. mmmm OREOS. If you have ADD you probably understand how frustrating it is. I need like a "pass" to wear around at school that says, "hi I'm saige & I have ADD" then maybe my teachers would leave me alone.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
The "SHAKE OUT" drill
Over 930,000 Utahns practiced "drop, cover, & hold on" at 10:15 a.m. this morning in The Great Utah ShakeOut, the largest earthquake drill in utah history! & the best part about this drill was that it involved colleges as well. Grown men & women were found this morning retreating underneath their little desks. hahaha I was asleep (in my bed at home) during the drill at my school, but I think it's hilarious. I mean, I may not be the brightest bulb on the vanity but I do remember what to do during an earthquake. I'm pretty sure we all learned in 1st & 2nd grade. & to be honest, the earthquake we are supposed to experience in Utah is supposed to be life-changing. I don't think a dinky desk is going to protect us. Buildings will most likely collapse & we will all die. But hey, I guess every bit of awareness helps. DROP, COVER, & HOLD ON folks!! Rather my advice to you would be, run to a church & start praying... because it's going to be HUGE. With my luck I'll be sitting on the toilet when it happens. p.s. it's shark week again
Monday, April 16, 2012
The Legend: Matt Harpring
If you know me you know that I have a creepy obsession with Matt Harpring. Do I actually think he's a star player at basketball? NO. but with his new found fame as a sports announcer, I have become his #1 fan. I tweet & retweet him constantly. His commentating is so funny. Like honestly I laugh sooo hard when he says his little catchy phrases. My boyfriend took me to a jazz game once. (we had nose bleed tickets) Somehow we ended up like four rows behind Matt Harpring's head. Don't ask me how that happened. {we had connections} Anyway... we were close enough that I could take hundreds of uncanny photographs of the back of his. [it's ridiculous by the way] the way his hair settles on top of that beautiful head of his is so impressive. oh & I almost forgot, we got on TV like twice. Okay so after the game my boyfriend & I got to take pictures with ..... get this, MATT HARPRING. yeah it was one of the best days of my life. I made him a facebook page too. & I love him. I've got a sick obsession.& that's all for today. OH & p.s. he retweeted me once!!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
You are the Jim to my Pam
I love the office more than I can explain. The tv series duh. plus, I loved it before everyone else loved it. & that's not a lie. my family has been faithful office watchers since day one. Go ahead & agrue with me & I'll show you what's up. {I guess you could consider me an Office hipster} Recently my boyfriend has started watching all of the seasons... & I mean ALL of them. He used to think it was stupid, but now he la- la- loves it. He compares himself to Jim often... which I agree with. If you don't think the office is funny than I don't think I like you very much. Anyone with the slightest sense of humor can understand the humor in the series. I can't say that I have a favorite character because they are all SO funny.{except Ryan & Kelly. they AREN'T funny... most of the time.} & because I don't do favorites. If I had to sort it out though Dwight is one of my favorites. Jim is also up there along with Micheal, Phillis, Stanley, & of course KEVIN. hahaha Kevin kills me!! & I also love when Micheal is so rude to Toby. Oh & Creed is a creepass but he makes me laugh so hard. Meredith is just a skank & Angela is a bitty. There are many other characters.. (p.s. I don't think Pam is funny, but how can you not love Pam?) If you haven't seen the Office, you should probably watch it. That's all.
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sometimes my boyfriend sends me cute crap like this. he's a keeper. |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Sexy Sax Man VS. Snow College Bagpipe Man
Not to be confused with Snow College's beloved Austrailian, Sax Cat, the "sexy sax man" is the youtube sensational preforming saxophone player. If you haven't seen the video, look that shiz up... like now before you finish reading. {It's hilarious!!} Alright so we have this guy on campus at Snow that walks around with his bagpipe & just plays that thing like it's going out of style. (as if bagpipes aren't already out of style... he must be a hipster) He can be found walking the sidewalks or perched atop the football field's bleachers. He plays the same song over & over again {you know, that famous bagpipe song} & he makes me laugh so hard. When I am having a shizzy day, I always seem to have a run-in with the Bagpipe Man. hahaha but really, he's so odd. If you haven't seen him & you attend Snow College, I suggest you look out for him; it will brighten your whole day.
Monday, April 2, 2012
April Fools Day is a joke.
hahaha get it? omg I'm so "punny!" First of all, who was the person resonsible for permissing April Fools day as an actual holiday? A holidy for pulling pranks on others? Rather flabbergasting. You know what time it is... {RESEARCH TIME} Did you know that April Fools day is NOT a national holiday? It is celebrated by more countries than our own though. The day comes from an "oops" way back when (1392) Have you ever read the Canterbury Tales? In the story, "The Nun's Priest Tales" ..... haha okay nevermind. you don't actually care about this. if you would like to know, look it up! haha Anyway... I have never actually pulled a successful prank on April Fools day.. [I plan to one day] I think Mother Nature was playing a joke on me yesterday though. I was driving home from st. george to ephraim & the weather was playing me like a slot machine!! one minute I was in the worst blizzard of my life, & the next the roads were clear as day. So much for the phrase, {in like a lion, out like a lamb} Maybe the lion just wants to be friends with the lamb. fancy that! p.s. I can't focus on school with Lake Havasu on the brain
That's all for today, have a lovely MONDAY everyone!
That's all for today, have a lovely MONDAY everyone!
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