Saturday, April 21, 2012

Spring Fever {the season of love}

Spring is a season of cliches -- birds singing, bees buzzing and people falling madly in love. If you're a scientist though, the love sickness can be blamed on one very real thing."It's dopamine," says Helen Fischer, a neuroscientist, professor at Rutgers University and author of five books on the science of love. Fisher says dopamine is a naturally occurring chemical your brain uses to make you want things. There are other systems involved in love, but when it comes to new love, dopamine is the main culprit. And with enough of it swirling around your system, you're prone to fall in love -- and fall hard. What does this have to do with spring? Dopamine is triggered by novel experiences. "And there's so much novelty in the spring," said Fischer. "There is so much more color, new smells, people take their clothes off and you can see more of them. And so there is a lot of new stimuli that trigger the brain and drive up dopamine, and make you more susceptible to love."
Spring is the season for love, scientifically speaking by Sanden Totten, Minnesota Public Radio April 9, 2010

I may have stolen that found information from the internet, but that's fine. because I cited it at the end. right? Anyway... everyone is falling in love & obviously scientists confirm it. Spring is the season of love! I swear all of my friends are getting engaged, married, or having babies! I think maybe the brain tells us that we need to be like the animals in spring & reproduce. hahaha My scientific theory: okay think about it... in the springtime baby animals are born. & baby animals are adorable.. they make us happy. so our brain tells us to do the same thing as the animals so that we can be happy & adorable. there you have it. from a snow college student. {you best believe that's a fancy title} Have a great day! go outside & catch spring fever! get married! have babies! of course I exclude myself from this advice because there is no hope for me getting married anytime soon. bye bye! :)

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