Friday, December 7, 2012

Diet December

Okay, so it's not really a "diet" exactly. It's more of a change of diet. I consume soooo much sugar/carbs every day because, well duh, because it's delicious! I have the worst sweet tooth. I could eat a gallon of ice cream a day & be just happy as can be. My new goal is to exchange sweets for healthy, naturally sweet alternatives. I am also trying to cut back on white breads and add more veggies to my diet. It's been hard already since it's December and there are yummy treats EVERYWHERE! I will admit, I haven't been perfect haha but I have done pretty good so far! Plus my mom is ALWAYS buying treats. I'm also working out everyday and trying to drink LOTS of water! I feel really good and it's only the start! I hope that I can continue this change of diet past December and stick with it! Healthy = happy! :) oh & I've also taken up doing zumba in the office! Don't tell my dad! I'm on the clock!


Skinny Berry smoothie: Kale, wheat grass, berries, and apple juice!

Drinking Healthy @ work LOL thanks Breeanna!

UM YEAH. hahaha

Anytime I crave ice cream or fro-yo, I'll go for this instead! TRU-berry all healthy, organic yogurt! There was even spinach in this!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

with the Sound of Music

Music fills the cracks of the soul. Bored, sad, mad, confused, hurt, in love, in need of inspiration, in need of comfort, or just about any other emotion you can think of, music can fix. I guess fix is the wrong word, emotions should not be looked at as a bad thing. Emotions are good. We need to feel every now and then. Don't let yourself become numb to emotions. I guess the word I could have used is "aid". Music aids us. It doesn't even matter what genre you listen to, what unknown artist you found, or where you are when you listen. Music in general helps our emotions flow & even out. It's like plopping half of the tub of icing on the cake and then taking a knife and spreading it all over to make it look pretty. My anger is just piled up in one place and it's all I can think about, until I turn on music. While listening my mind wonders, thus spreading the emotion thinner, making my angry emotion pretty. Anger can't be pretty? I think it can. Music helps the soul realize what really matters. Sometimes songs without lyrics can be even more enriching. Whether you are curled up in a ball in bed, hunched over a steering wheel in the car at night, or shaving your legs in the shower, listening to music is always a release. A release from stressing an emotion too much. a "break" from how you feel. Listen to music often. Even better, create it. My little brother sings in the shower daily. It's hilarious, he's awful. I love to hear it though. Music makes us dance. From sheepishly tapping your foot to booty clappin' in the kitchen, music creates the mood. Over Thanksgiving break my cousins and I were hanging out at my grandparents house. It was getting late and we were getting bored. In n out was closed. My grandpa offered to make his famous "papa pancakes." hahaha it was so funny, we were all stoked. My cousin threw her ipod into the speakers & the house turned into an all out dance party. A Pancake-Dance Party! Everyone was dancing and laughing, even grandma and grandpa. My grandpa went over to the light switch and started flickering it on and off yelling, "STROBE LIGHT!" hahaha It was awesome. Music created a memory. Music creates many memories in our lives. I think God gave us music in order for us to be able to explore our minds. I know when I hear church music I feel the spirit. Music aids our feelings. Use music to your advantage.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Vanilla Coke. What is... happiness?

If you understood that my blog title was meant to be read like a jeopardy question, good job. I haven't posted in a while & I've lost my mojo a little bit... so here's a post about all the things that make me happy & keep me sane lately...

- obviously vanilla coke
- people who buy me vanilla coke (thank you...)
- Breeanna Gibson. no she does not have a middle name.
- Chance Manzanares.
- cute dates
- the fact that LisaFrank stuff is coming back in style via urban outfitters
- the leather pants I got from target
- studs (the ones you put on clothes and shoes, not the human kind)
- my frumpy, ugly, worn out Roxy slippers
- NOT doing anything with my hair. (wavy, poofy hair is sexy... right?)
- funny people. oh what would I do without funny people?
- Thoughtful blog posts written by my friends/twitter friends. THANK YOU.
- Grey hair. it's cool & I think I might do it. YO ella bella, if you do it, I'll do it. no joke.
- Skulls & sugar skulls (I'm a poser, I know.)
- The movie Wreck it Ralph. haha seriously go watch it. It's so cute.
- Rock of Ages and the soundtrack. um hello?! I LOVE THE 80'S OKAY?!
- My banana suit (for obvious reasons)
- Pumpkin, chocolate chip anything
- the fact that I somewhat cleaned my room & I can see the floor now
- NOT shaving
- my gymnasts. holy cow. I love them so much.
- my second job as a hiking instructor. It's been awesome.
- Zumba is cool I guess
- the fact that I will be going to school & socializing next semester
- Jedi when he wears his where's waldo outfit. & when he gets mad about others having the same one.

There are probably a lot more that I can't think of at the moment... but yeah. I'm HAPPY RIGHT NOW. I haven't really been myself for the past little while & I'm finally starting to get back in the groove of life again.I love you all. thank you.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Who am I living for?

I used to be insecure & shy. I wasn't cute or "hot" or beautiful. I was the dorky girl who everyone felt obligated to be nice to or they thought I might burst into tears. The girl who got upset when people would pick on the weird kids. (I WAS one of the weird kids though) I was 4'9 until 9th grade & skinny enough to fit inside of my half-locker. (of course I tried... I was curious. & hopefully my old friends who were with me are reading this & remember hahaha) I was completely afraid of boys, but I was crazy about them... secretly. I was that girl that the popular jerks thought was really smart, so they would ask to copy my homework, only to realize that I sucked just as bad as they did at math. I mean come on people... just because I had super thick lens glasses didn't mean I was a super brain! It just means I had/have terrible eye-sight. My pants never fit me. I was always envious of the girls with filled out butts or "apple bottom jeans" in jr. high. I was barely holding up my double 0 hollister pants with a DIY "extra belt holed" belt. "just make another belt hole with a knife!" -my mother would always say... which always led to high-waters as well. & although you might be wondering why I'm complaining about being skinny when I was younger, I do have a point... just let me get to it. I was picked on a lot in my younger years. I have a hard time writing this because it really wasn't the best time of my life. I'm actually in tears just thinking about it. haha which seems totally ridiculous I realize... but it could be that it's almost 5 in the morning & I've been up all night for no reason at all. I wouldn't talk in class unless I was tattle-tailing to the teacher about Dillon Simmons or Sage Durango. haha or unless I was with my best friends. (in that case you couldn't shut me up!) I got this brand new hello kitty purse stolen in the 6th grade once. It was full of Christmas money, new perfume, and other little gifts. I knew exactly where I left it, came back, noticed the "popular girl" had it underneath her bottom on her chair, and I couldn't stand up for myself. So I turned around and left... in pure fear that she might think I was a loser for asking for my purse back. The "cool girls" would make fun of me often. I wouldn't say much because I feared that saying something back would make me look like even more of a dork. The boys were the worst though. When the boys would make fun of me I felt so stupid. I would act like they were immature & it didn't affect me... but it sure did. I would walk the halls with my head down. I would stare at shoes and carpet all day long just because I feared humiliation. I was always picked last in p.e. classes for sports teams. haha sounds like a sad movie or something. When I liked a boy, I would tell one of my friends that THEY should like him. I was so nervous that he wasn't going to like me, so I made sure that my friends would take advantage of the situation instead. I was insecure. I was in band. hahaha I played the flute. I had wonderful friends though. If it weren't for them I don't know where my life would be right now, honestly. From first grade until now I have always had amazing friends influence my life. I am sooo grateful. I remember when I was a sophomore & I had just quit gymnastics. My mom informed me that I would either try out for cheer or get back into gym. So I decided to try out for the Payson high cheer team. It was so out of my ordinary that it scared me. I remember all of my friends telling me that if I became a "cheerleader" I would change & they wouldn't like it. Sure enough I changed my group of friends and became a whole different person. I sat in jock hall, I dated "jocks", & I acted snotty. I was not myself. Sure, I would still be friendly to everyone when I passed them & make sure to say hi often to others... but I was not the same. A sense of confidence, no.... Pride grew inside of me. I became "popular". Don't get me wrong, I loved cheering & I loved all of my new friends, they were really great! (the popular kids actually weren't as mean as I thought once I started to fit in with them) I guess that's just how it works though. You have to fit in to be accepted. You have to fit a certain mold to get noticed. It's such a joke. Still to this day I find myself waking up & wondering what I can do or wear to impress people. I find myself asking if someone will think I am dumb or weird for doing this or that. Why must we conform in order to feel normal? Who are we living for? Ourselves? or everyone around us? The constant pressure to be someone that we aren't is a daily challenge for everyone. Being your true self is one of the hardest things to do, but if you can accomplish that, you are headed to happiness. If it is possible to realize that WE dictate our own lives, and not others, we can achieve joy.

Who am I living For? Katy Perry
I can feel a phoenix inside of me
As I march alone to a different beat
Slowly swallowing down my fear, yeah yeah

I am ready for the road less traveled
Suiting up for my crowning battle
This test is my own cross to bear
But I will get there

It's never easy to be chosen, never easy to be called
Standing on the front-line when the bombs start to fall
I can see the heavens but I still hear the flames
Calling out my name

I can see the writing on the wall
I can't ignore this war
At the end of it all
Who am I living for?

I can feel this lightness inside of me
Growing fast into a bolt of lightning
I know one spark will shock the world, yeah yeah

So I pray for a favor like Esther
I need your strength to handle the pressure
I know there will be sacrifice
But that's the price

Heavy is the head that wears the crown
Don't let the greatness get you down
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
Don't let the greatness get you down, oh, oh yeah

I can see the writing on the wall
I can't ignore this war
At the eh-end of it all
Who am I living for?

At the end, at the end
Who am I living for?
At the end, at the end
Who am I living for?

FUN FACT: you know the "don't laugh at me, don't call me names, don't get your troubles from my pain" song? hahaha I had to sing that in elementary school on stage & hold a poster that said 'the little girl with glasses, the one they call a geek.' so basically my school was trying to enforce a no bullying rule by bullying kids to hold labeling signs. but it's okay, I just laugh about it now. at the time I just thought it was so cool to be involved in an assembly hahaha

Sunday, October 7, 2012

RUN. run your heart out.

"You're off to great places. Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting. so get on you way." -Dr. Suess
Everyone has a mountain... or twelve. You can do one of two things: sit at the bottom & complain about it, or get off your sorry bottom & climb it with a smile on your face. I can't run. that's a fact known to all mankind mmmk? Like I'm pretty sure I know of 80 year olds that can run better than I can. Lately I've been trying to run at least one mile each day. Some days I run 4, some days I can barely run 1. & some nights, when the weight of the world is on my shoulders & I feel like I hate everyone, I can run 6 or 7. haha It just depends. (sometimes we end up just running to maverick for sodas... but hey at least we tried.) For some reason when I'm running through frustrated tears murmuring to myself the entire way, I seem to do better...? I guess I feel like I am multi-tasking while I'm running... you know? getting over a couple "mountains" at the same time? When I'm running I have time to clear my mind. I think about the things that are going on in my life. I think about where I would like my life to go, why I'm not good enough & where I went wrong. I have time to think about the problems in my own life that need to be solved. They say running is cheaper than therapy. Now that's a statement I live by. We all have our problems. How we solve them is up to us. & our attitude towards them is up to US. No, we aren't all perfect. Sometimes I throw fits & act like a 2 year old girl when faced with a problem... (alright, most of the time..) but I know how I could & should handle things. It's just a matter of what we do. It's a matter of how we react to a certain text message, fight with a friend, less than happy news, or menstrual cramps. We all have our mountains. How will we chose to climb them? How will we decide to handle the many curve balls life throws at us? What will you do with your mountain? How will you climb it? It's all up to you.
oh p.s. conference was WONDERFUL. hearing the words of our church leaders is always a comforting event.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What you know about RETAIL THERAPY?

I think it's safe to say that both male and females have used retail therapy to cope with their problems. I think I have spent $300 shopping & $140 online shopping in the past month. EEK! someone stop me. take away my credit card! no actually, don't. because honestly, I feel so much better about life when I fill my closet up with stupid crap that I'll never wear. it's so fulfilling! But then I have days like today where I'm at the D.I. just for kicks looking for overalls for my Mario costume. & it hits me that I should be buying these cheap clothes & giving them to poor people! I'm just like, wow I love D.I.! I want this ugly sweater! and these awesome grandma kicks! & then I realize that some people don't have anything at all.... & it breaks my heart. Here I am asking the lady at the register if she can take down my phone number & call me when the next pair of sweet overalls come in... when I realize how terribly awful I am! I need to be more hospitable & wise with my money. I need to be less selfish & more caring. I need to think about others more! gosh dangit. what is my problem? I spent 200 dollars at Pacsun yesterday because I wanted to look good & make my sorrows disappear while there are people living on the streets starving & freezing at night. I mean, of course I believe in working for your own right to live & earning your place in this world, but sometimes you just have to take a step back & realize that what you are doing probably isn't necessary. My paycheck could have been spent in a much better way, or saved for something more important. So... the moral of the story is: those awesome colored skinnies I bought might fill my closet, but they won't fill the cracks of my heart. I thought spending tons of money on myself would make me feel better but it actually made me feel worse. On that note, it's time to get ready for work. (grateful to have a job!!!)  so I love you all. I hope you do something great & make a difference in the world today! (even if it's something small like saying hi to a stranger or telling someone that you appreciate them)

Monday, September 10, 2012


this is so monumental. Levi (a.k.a. Jedi) went on his very first date this past weekend. Let's backtrack a little bit to last monday I think? Jed carpools with this girl named Morgan. She's way cute. anyway... he texts her & says, "hey how mad would you be on a scale of 1-10 if I asked you to the dance over text?" hahaha and she said 6. So he goes & buys sour skittles, oreos, a big ball, & a teddy bear. He places it all on her porch with a handwritten note that says, "none of these things have anything in common. will you go to homecoming with me?" hahahaha she said yes though you guyz!!! So the entire week we pestered Levi about the details. We needed to know the dress color, the date plans, what kind of flower she wanted, you know... the dance deets! Jedi was so out of his element. First dates are scary you guys! I just can't really remember because my first date was like... five years ago? haha So we ask him where they are going to dinner & he says, "can't I just take her to taco bell or something." for real though... that's what he said. After explaining to him that he needed to take her somewhere a little more 'classy' we asked him what the date plan was. "oh I'm just going to pick her up, take her dinner, go to the dance for an hour & then drop her back off." oh so you're going to end the date at 9:00 Jed? good plan. hahaha Luckily his cousin Austin showed up with a date & helped him out. He doesn't even go to Levi's school but he paid for his date & himself to get into the dance & be Jedi's wingman. such a good cousin.
Levi's view on the dance: "yeah I showed her my sick moves. we danced a few slow songs. it was good."
Austin on the dance: "hahaha well, he was a little shy at first, but once we all started dancing Jed came right out of his shell! he also tried to twirl his date during a slow dance.... but he ended up twirling himself. we tried to teach him, but he couldn't be taught."
We can only hope that dinner went well. We figure that he either ordered off the kids menu, spilled a drink or two, or asked for a new crayon when his snapped in half. If he only did one out of the three, he did a great job! Unless of course he asked Morgan to cut his meat up for him....

I am so proud of him! haha & today, I pull into the driveway and his dance date is knocking on our door!!!! SAY WHAT? yeah. she came over just to 'hang out' & 'play risk'. I must have tweeted about the situation at least 20 times... & creeped a couple pics. don't worry, I'll put them up on this post. So I think it's safe to say that Jedi's first date was a success and I think they are in love now.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Urine Adrenaline?

I am a firm believer that holding pee in your bladder for a longer amount of time then necessary builds adrenaline. Imagine a cheer team preparing to run the mile... & a blonde, out of shape girl doing the 'pee dance'. "I really have to pee.... & I really suck at running." -me "maybe you should go to the bathroom?" -addison (my ol' college cheer stunting partner) "nahh... the adrenaline from holding it will help me run." -me "so THAT'S why you always have to pee when we stunt!" (true story. this really happened. & he would always worry that I was going to pee my pants during a stunt.... I never did though. don't worry)
According to Saige's fun facts, Urine = adrenaline. When I'm driving by myself in the car on road trips I make myself hold it till I absolutely cannot contain myself any longer. It keeps me awake, and it keeps the trip interesting. Like how many miles can YOU go on a full bladder & an empty tank of gas? & even better, once you finally get into that nasty chevron restroom & finally relief yourself, it's like the best feeling in the world! I'm almost sure that I have the record for longest amount of time continuously peeing. but this is starting to get weird & gross.... so I'll wrap it up. I've got the bladder control of an elderly woman. but I've got the drive of an Olympic athlete to hold it in for as long as I possibly can. It's the best when everyone in the car KNOWS you have to pee & they start making water sounds & drawing attention to you, because that just makes it even more challenging! Bring it on Bladder! Do you ever remember when you were little and you would hold it forever and all of a sudden you didn't have to pee anymore? (no, I don't mean that you peed your pants.) It just like went away? the urge to release your bladder bag would just disappear? I don't even know how that happens! ok bye. hope you all had a great labor day weekend! I know I did! :) oh p.s. even when you can't hold it & you end up having to squat on the side of the road, it's still worth it because you will have another story to tell about yourself to boys when dates get awkward.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


My definition of a hipster: cats, books, better music than yours, arrogance, & great style. oh & if you are a boy you need facial hair.
urban dictionary:


One who criticizes hipsters for being hipsters even though he himself is a hipster. Just tell them to take a look at their purposefully destroyed and cut out toms & rethink the situation. No, TOMS aren't sandals, but you've done a great job ruining them & making them look like you stole them from a hobo.

The realization a hipster comes to when he/she realizes that being hipster is WAY to mainstream, resulting in a paradox.
"Dude, being a hipster is way to mainstream. A true hipster would have stopped being a hipster by now. It's like... hipsterception!"

 A combination of hardcore & hipster. Hipstercore people normally wear tight pants, band t-shirts,  and lots of contrasting colors. They listen to a wide range of music that includes alternative rock, screamo, post-hardcore, punk-pop, heavy metal, classic rock, punk-rock, and techno. They tend to be anti-mainstream, just like regular hipsters, and they LOVE triangles. why do they love triangles so much? I don't understand.

Don't ever called someone who's hipstercore "ironic" because they hate that. Most of them think of themselves as just pretty chill people who like cats.
Joe: Wow! Look at Melissa's tight pants and kitty cat tshirt.

Sarah: It's her extremely dark makeup that really pulls the whole thing together.

Melissa: Thanks, guys. Do you want to go to an Aquabat's concert?


a person who refuses to be defined by any set idea, style. one who does not like to be pigeon holed. not to be confused with poser or "scene". Hipsters, although taste is relative, generally have very good taste. they prefer films which appeal to intellect or emotion and avoid cliche, sentiment and the generic. they like bands that most people have never heard of because they actually care about music and seek it out as opposed to just swallowing the first thing which comes to them like the majority or people do. music-wise they will listen to many different stles but nothing which is too self indulgent but will listen to hip-hop and other types of "black" music, albeit underground. they like to be challenged and therefore read books deemed as difficult or "deep" to the average person. they are also often interested in contemporary art for this same reason. no true hipster will have a definitive style, choosing many different styles and will prefer to look different from one day to the next. their wardrobe will comprise of contemporary off beat cuts and various styles from past decades and adheres to ideas of post-modernity. contrary to popular opinion hipsters do not dress the same but, as mentioned above, change their style continually. the people who are being referred to are the pretentious posers who copy the look but lack the depth. they are always intelligent and creative and can hold good conversation on a wide range of subjects. they are also very fond of sarcasm and irony and often employ them when accosted by an imbecile. hipsters are one of the most tolerant types or people and openly embrace different races and sexuality

people who do not like hipsters either 
a) have no style whatsoever 
b) feel inferior because they know jack about real, intelligent music, original, thought provoking film and books and daringly different dress sense. basically many people feel ugly when around hipsters which is often true.

they will know about every good band before the spoon-fed masses, and will very likely be the ones who make them popular.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

What's the number to 9-1-1?

Preface: I just got rid of my twitter & it was the dumbest time to do so since my life has been SOOO exciting lately. *not even being sarcastic. I just want to tell you guys everything but I can't. I also can't stop "cat attacking" my pictures. I think it's the funniest thing in the world.

this is a story about a girl who locked her keys in her car more times than the average person would in an entire lifetime before she reached full adulthood. yep! you guessed right! it's me! I'm the girl who always keeps a wire hanger in her trunk only to realize she wouldn't be able to use it because the car is locked. DUH. I've locked my keys in my car SEVEN times. & I'm only barely 20 years old! Reason for this 5 a.m. blogpost? because I just returned home from attempting to break into my own car for like the entire night. Okay so we might have went on a 2 a.m. denny's run before we realized that I am in fact, the "locked her keys in her car" idiotic QUEEN. & have I ever taken my father's advice to make another key & hide it somewhere outside of the car? of course not! why on earth would I heed to the council of my intelligent father?! He doesn't know about it yet, but I hope when he wakes up in the morning he reads this & wakes me up so we can go get my car bright & early before church. Oh by the way, my dad is the expert at saving the day when it comes to just about anything. but he specializes in the locked car area. If I didn't know any better I would think he was a car thief. He once helped Coy Willes unlock her lovebug at a cheer parade. Classic hometown hero? I think so! (BC BC BC!) Anyway... the car will love me no matter what kind of stress I put him in. My car is named Huckaboo. (that was totally irrelevant but worth saying) Moral of this story: listen to your parents. make an extra hide-a-key. & don't drink the water at the st. george dennys. that shiz is luke warm tap water for crying out loud!! goodnight. I love you all. WAIT!!! also.... MY PHONE IS IN THE CAR. my life is incomplete.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's okay to be a NERD guyzz.

Star Wars. Lord of the Rings. Harry Potter. Pokemon cards, board game, movies, & humor. Super Nintendo. Atari. Gamecube. Xbox. Playstation. Nintendo DS. Gameboy. Arcade Games. BOOKS. Glasses. Stupid shirts. Socks with Sandals. Super Heroes. Super Hero humor. BANE JOKES. Nerd jokes. Leggos. Documentaries. Computer knowledge. EXTREMELY intense typing skills. (I've got like 112 gwam. NBD. In keyboarding class I would always try to beat the others.) Interest in Binary numbers. Writing a paper just for fun. Writing a small book with a sibling, just for fun. Giant ugly sweaters. An immense love & passion for Disco Night @ classic skating. (& always dressing up.) Computer games. (I could sit & play roller coaster/zoo tycoon all day long baby. all day long) Interest in Biology & science. Physics. (I had a hard time with that... but I LOVED the labs.) Looking good in a pair of safety goggles. Being obsessed with Sharkweek. Being obsessed with social networking. Being picky about proper grammar. (except while I'm blogging.) I love thrift stores. I like to watch the sy fy channel. (still think it should be called sci-fi) Discovery channel. Storage wars & shipping wars. How it's made. The Office. The list goes on...

In my family it's okay to be a nerd. I assume it's the same way with a lot of other families? I'm not ashamed that I can quote Star Wars. I'm not ashamed that my siblings & I have nerdy humor. I love it actually. Dawgs I did DECA & debate in high school just for fun! I love those stupid Cat/table of elements jokes. I love playing video games. I have a crush on the Hulk. I have seen too many Pokemon movies. (I can sing the Pokemon theme song... but who can't?) & if you don't think it's funny to make fun of Magikarp then you can't be my friend. I am a nerd. & that's okay. Don't be afraid to embrace your inner "nerd" guyz. It's fun.
p.s. my brother downloads techno versions of Nintendo game theme songs on his itunes. & he listens to them. WHILE HE'S PLAYING OTHER VIDEO GAMES! hahahaha

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Sometimes life gets you down. It happens to all of us. We as natural human beings tend to beat ourselves up in our minds when things aren't going the way they should.
{A list of things I feel I haven't put "enough" of myself into lately}
1) I've let too many friends escape my life. I feel like I should be keeping tabs on all of my past friends. I don't know even know half of them anymore. & that makes me feel just awful.
2) I haven't put "enough" effort into eating healthy & working out. That needs to change. now.
3) I could & I should put more of myself into loving my family & helping out at home more.
4) My wallet has been more than "enough" for my terrible shopping addiction. Time to start saving up again. oops. BUT, along with that, I don't regret spending money on YOLO trips. Those are always fun & memorable.
5) My brain is hungry for more knowledge. I need to go back to school. Spring. I will do so.

We all have our own lists of "not being enough" & often times the list can be daunting & overwhelming. My advice to everyone: YOU ARE ENOUGH. always. no matter what you are doing or not doing with life. If you are trying to be the best YOU that YOU can be, then what else can you do?

One last thing: you don't need to be in a relationship to be in love. Fall in love with everything. Fall in love with the sky, the moon, mismatched socks, a new pair of shoes, or even your future plans. You don't need the approval of another in order to fall in love with something new & gain an extra passion or two. Be brave enough to be different. love things that you never thought you would love.

Monday, August 6, 2012

WANDERLUST: a post to enlighten your minds

 Lately I've felt the urge to inspire myself to new heights. I just want to explore new places & discover new things that I never knew about myself. If I had all of the money in the world right now I would be constantly moving from place to place. In my mind all I need is a few good friends & some pocket change. But I know that I can't just pick up & leave. I have responsibilities & dirty clothes sitting in my suitcase. I have to come home every now & then to regain my ground & settle myself. But once I get the taste of travel on my lips I just want to go. I've washed my clothes & repacked them about 7 or 8 times this summer. I always have clothes packed. I'm always ready to go. You give me an adventure, I'll be there.

One last thing I would like to add! Comparison is the thief of Joy. Such a true statement. I have found that when I compare one trip to the current one it takes away from the happiness. Each trip is a different adventure. Don't compare them to one another. Reminisce about them individually.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Father is Auctioning me off to the Single Men

Last night whilst watching the production of Aladdin at Tuacahn, I realized that I am Princess Jasmine. Why? Because we are similar in every way but one. (I'm the whitest girl you know, & the real princess Jasmine, or the actress in the show, is brown.) Oh actually 3 differences I guess... I'm not rich & I don't have my own balcony in my room. My father is trying to marry me off though. & I have dated lots of princes but can't find the right one. & I do want to date a sexy street rat right now... just like Jasmine. I would love any boy that takes me on a magic carpet ride. wink wink. Oh you have a sweet motorcycle? Oh you have the type of Jeep that I have always wanted? Oh you want to take me for a spin? Alright. Sold. If you sing "A Whole New World" to me while we drive I'll give you bonus points. Jasmine just wants her father to leave her alone & stop trying to set her up with singles ward "princes." & by Jasmine, I mean me. Like maybe I want to move away & live like a hobo in California? Jasmine wanted to run away & live like a street rat... then she met Aladdin. (THE LOVE OF HER LIFE) So?? does that mean I must run away in order to find my soulmate? Eh. Who knows. Maybe I just need to start wearing cuter clothes when I'm wandering about the palace. (AKA maybe I should wash my car everyday in the front lawn) I don't even know. All I know is that I want a man who can support my "princess" lifestyle & still be a sweetheart & not crack under the pressure of my power hungry habits. Like, ok boys, I wear the Genie pants in this relationship. But sometimes I'll let you... if you're a good boy. & if I agree with what you say/decide. But! I will love you with my whole heart & devote my time & effort to our relationship always. That's one thing that you can always count on Princess Saigers for. SIDE NOTE: I think Princess Jasmine & I would get along so well. I dunno. If she was real we would probably follow each other on twitter & stuff. & maybe even favorite each others' tweets about our fathers trying to hook us up with people. we both like tan, handsome, ripped men. we both have pet tigers. & we both look good in the color blue. practically the same person.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Keep up with those darn Kardashians!!

Bad Luck brian. hahahaa except I like Rob.

Alright folks. Here's a little story about my cousin ColtyCAT. He thinks he is thee one & only Scott Disick. Like he's convinced that he is Scott's doppleganger. hahaha & it's the funniest thing!!! He tweets Kourtney all of the time acting like they are BFF's & it's NBD. hahaha ANYWAY... Scott (colton), myself, the cats (sierra & diddy), and the mouse (meggiemouse) went to the DASH store in Cali this past weekend. There were only a certain amount of people allowed into the store at a time. So we stood in line for about half an hour in the death-defying heat. (p.s. I was in a sweater. & I'm not sure why) but was it worth it? YES. well, it wasn't worth it if you ask dids. but in our opinion, we were in emoji heart eyes world. we even bought things! (just so that we could look rad coming out of the store) The mouse & I bought 13$ DASH keychains because we are so broke & we just HAD to buy something.. why not buy the cheapest thing in the store? It was either that or a six dollar jewel dash pencil. we figured the keychain might last longer. SierraCAT bought a dash T-shirt for 60 bucks hahaha but I guess that's cool. & Colty (scott disick... I mean, LORD disick) bought a DASH water. hahahahaha yeah dawg. a DASH WATER BOTTLE. it wasn't even cool. I figured maybe it would be glass like the VOSS water but it was plastic. hahaha & he was all pumped about it so he was trying to keep it safe but then he threw it away at a pizza place on accident. hahaha funniest thing ever. he drove back to look for it but couldn't find it. The best part about the whole "DASH day" was that we went to the old dash the first time. We drove clear through this windy canyon to find out that it was actually closed & the store had moved. So rather than giving up, we drove to the other one hahaha & that's when we had to stand in line. But hey, it was great & worth it. We kept joking to everyone in line that one of the Kardashians was in the store & we would all get to see her! haha it was so funny. Ok I'm done. do YOU keep up with the Kardashians?

Monday, July 16, 2012

For my friend, Brian

Dear Brian,

I want you to know, since I never had the chance to tell you, that you were like a big brother to me. One of the many valiant young men who influenced my life. I remember being so happy to be able to drive around & "hang out" with the older kids when you guys needed a ride from my sister :) haha To be able to be in the car with you, Derek, Jeremy, Carlisle, Kyle, and the gang was always so much fun. You boys were crazy! I loved being able to look up to you, Hayden Callaway, Brian Mecham, Wyatt & Austin Ercanbrack and all of the boys. In church it meant the world to me when you guys would be nice to me and treat me like a little sister. You were always so much fun. Such a loving, kind, light-hearted kid. My family loves you so much. I remember when I was younger my cousin Sierra & I would "jump" on my tramp and watch you mow the lawn with your shirt off! hahaha Looking back now I realize you knew we were spying on you... but back then we thought you had no idea! We would always go with Kaci to one man band diner so that we could see you and talk to you and Kyle. You started "Fuzzy Fridays" when you would "fuzz" everyone's hair up at school and on the bus hahaha. You taught me how to eat my cheese fries the RIGHT way. you gotta take the fries and paper OUT of the basket and lay them on the table before you eat them. You always made us laugh. Your smile could light up an entire room. I'm so glad that you got to serve a mission. I was so proud of you when you went. When you got back all you could talk about was going back to Georgia. They must of just loved you there! You are and always have been a missionary to me and my family. You influenced the lives of so many of your friends. I couldn't help but burst into tears as I was watching the video on the last blog update about your health. The page views are growing by the second. So many people love you and were touched by your sweet spirit. Heavenly Father loves you and welcomes your presence in Heaven.  You are loved by all Brian Kelley. We are all heart-broken, but I know that God must need you up in Heaven right now. I'm sad that we never had the chance to see each other again after you got home from your mission, and I hope to see you again someday. I'll be praying and fasting for your family/friends. Love you Brian. Rest in Peace my sweet friend.

Love, Saige
My dad's sign